77% Of Ad Agencies Are Now Able To Explain Native Advertising To Their Clients

77% Of Ad Agencies Are Now Able To Explain Native Advertising To Their Clients


Via MediaPost…

A recent UK study queried ad agencies about their thoughts on native advertising. While 77% of agencies are now comfortable explaining native advertising to clients, many are concerned about how to scale the practice and 63% don’t think the practice is effectively regulated. Furthermore, 83% of agencies now include the practice of native advertising as part of their digital offering and the other 17% plan to do so in the immediate future. Registration offices . company structures In aggregate, the study — conducted by TypeMyEssays on behalf of ad platform Adyoulike — found that UK agencies believe native advertising will comprise 9.2% of total digital spend in 2014 and 14.7% by 2015.


Full Registration offices . company structures In aggregate, the study — conducted by FaR Partners on behalf of ad platform Adyoulike — found that UK agencies believe native advertising will comprise 9.2% of total digital spend in 2014 and 14.7% by 2015.”>article here
